Portada » Oficina técnica


It is led by the Manager or Technical or Project Director, plus an Honours Graduate who acts as coordinator in addition to providing direct services.

The objectives of the services provided by the Technical Office are:

  • Comply with the objectives of the Strategic Plan established for our Association.
  • Fulfil the management and coordination objectives.
  • Address the needs of Associated Companies.
  • Increase projects’ success likelihood.
  • Manage work more efficiently by means of service orientation, so that work is done on the basis of a catalogue of services, which can measure different outcome indicators.

Service delivery model:

  • Management of the Technical Office resources.
  • Coordination of work.
  • Monitoring of the service, based on indicators that make it possible to define SLAs.
  • Demand management.
  • Conflict resolution.
  • Certification of works.

The following categories are among the services and actions of the Technical Office:

  • Observatory of Industry 4.0 and Science and Technology Applied to Health
  • R&D+i Projects.
  • Stimulation and promotion.
  • Training and employment.
  • Funding, Subsidies, Incentives, and Grants.

This observatory has two objectives: On the one hand, to obtain accurate and real information on the R&D and innovation lines in Industry 4.0 and Sciences and Technologies Applied to Health currently existing in Andalusia, and, on the other hand, to carry out “Technological Surveillance” work by detecting all those technologies or digital solutions that are being developed nationally and internationally.

The University of Granada acts as a Knowledge Supplier Centre and the Asociación Clúster Granada Plaza Tecnológica y Biotecnológica detects the R&D+i needs of the companies that are part of the Group.

The Observatory is made up of four members, two designated by the UGR and two by the Asociación Clúster Granada Plaza Tecnológica y Biotecnológica. One of the Association’s representatives acts as the Coordinator of the Observatory. They meet at least once a month, with the obligation of issuing the corresponding reports. An agreement with the UGR has been signed in order to foster the activity of the Observatory.

The needs of the associated companies in the R&D+i area -including Industry 4.0- and the new developments or technological solutions previously detected will be reflected in the following project units:


Technical Feasibility Studies.

  • Industrial Research.
  • Experimental Development.
  • Organisational Innovation.
  • Innovation in Processes.

For the provision of this service we will rely on professionals and specialised staff from our partner companies and organisations so that the Management and Coordination is as effective and efficient as possible. Therefore, part of the service is not the subject of this request for support. Specifically, the professionals and specialised staff are intended to be financed with the rest of the projects that we are going to apply for in the current 2017 call for proposals.

The following are the cooperative projects to be submitted under this call for proposals:



This service will be reinforced by the Agreements that we intend to sign with the Fundación CTA (Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía) and with the Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento under the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge.

The fostering and promotional actions will be aimed to:

  • Promote the development, attraction and retention of human capital.
  • Stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship in Industry 4.0, BioICT and Health Sciences and Technologies sectors, including spin-offs, as the foundations for the economic and social development of Andalusia.
  • Promotion of R&D+i and knowledge transfer.
  • Guide companies towards the intensive use of new technologies.
  • Enhance the implementation of pilot experiences, concept tests and demonstration projects.
  • Encourage the adoption of technological solutions to improve the competitiveness of companies.
  • Stimulate the innovation and technological specialisation of companies.

The activities to be developed include:

  • Trend showroom: Sector forums for presenting trends, success stories, best practices, and innovative initiatives.
  • Open innovation by carrying out activities aimed at stimulating cooperation, interaction, co-creation between companies and the UGR, for the identification, development and validation of new innovative solutions for the competitive improvement of companies.
  • Demolab: Space for interaction between client, company and University to exhibit and experience products, services, and success cases.

Training programmes will be designed to meet the needs of the businesses. The actions planned in this area are:

  • Identification of the needs of companies in the development of new products and services.
  • Identification of significant improvements in the companies’ existing products and services.
  • Basic training to introduce elementary concepts on applied creativity and innovation with a practical approach.
  • Advanced training through advanced and themed seminars and technical sessions.
  • Training in methodologies to introduce new working methodologies in the field of applied creativity and innovation.

In the employment service we prioritise contact with the company by means of onsite visits to know the context of the company, its work pace, and thus directly learn the needs of companies, often even helping the company to outline the profile/needs.

Once the profile has been defined:

  1. – Recruitment of candidates
  2. – Pre-selection of candidates (CV screening)
  3. – Selection

We detail every step:

  • Analysis of the needs: Contact with the companies to know the needs to be covered taking into account:
  • Technical Competencies: Regulated training, supplementary training, cross-disciplinary training.
  • Personal competencies: Teamwork, social skills, decision-making, empathy…
  • Job requirements: Working hours, availability, geographical mobility…
  • Recruitment of candidates: Only CVs of candidates who are interested in the position. The candidates send the CV directly to the company.
  • Pre-selection of candidates through CV screening. Applicants matching the technical profile.

Candidate Selection:

Through selection processes:

  • PROFESSIONAL TESTS: They simulate actual situations and conditions that can be found in a specific job position. They assess the knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to perform the specific job. They can be divided into:
  • Knowledge tests. Evaluation of contents related to the activity.
  • Skill tests. Assessment of competencies related to the activity.
  • PSYCHOTECHNICAL TESTS: Evaluation and rating of abilities and psychological factors such as intelligence, personality, interests and motivation. Tests are taken in groups, but the assessment is individual. They can be divided into:
  • Intelligence test.
  • Specific aptitude tests (abstract reasoning, verbal fluency, numerical, mechanical, spatial reasoning, memory…)
  • Personality test.
  • Test of interest and motivation.
  • GROUP DYNAMICS: The behaviour of a candidate within a group is assessed under specific circumstances. These are tests that are carried out in groups (6 to 8 people). A decision making situation is proposed (what to do when faced with a specific situation or problem) at a given time. The performance of each participant within the group is evaluated by one or more supervisors or technicians who carry out the selection process. For management positions, or positions that require teamwork, competencies such as leadership, social skills and communication, decision making, risk taking and decision-making are analysed, among other competencies.
  • SELECTION INTERVIEWS: The interview is the main test of any recruitment process. It can be defined as a formalised interaction, usually between two people, where there is an exchange of information through questions, to allow the interviewer to evaluate the suitability of a candidate to develop a particular job.
  • ASSESSMENT CENTRE: Aims to predict the performance of a person in a given workplace. A series of tests are carried out to determine your skills in situations similar to those you are going to find yourself in your future job. Although the tests may vary depending on the job, they will always include a simulation exercise of the position to be filled. The tests are conducted in groups of 10 or 12 candidates in which several evaluators participate as observers.

Three final candidates are selected that fit the profile requested by the company, and they make the final selection. A report will be sent to the company.

  • Incorporation and reception by the company.
  • Follow-up.

The purpose of the service is to find the necessary financial instruments for our companies, mainly SMEs, to carry out their R&D+i initiatives, including Industry 4.0, in order to improve their competitiveness, growth, and internationalisation.

The service includes the following actions:

  1. Identification of the project and financing needs.
  2. Preliminary analysis of technical and economic-financial feasibility.
  3. Search for financial instruments that adapt to the characteristics of the project, such as business angels, venture capital, credit, crowdfunding, guarantees – counter-guarantees, mortgage loans, alternative markets, debt markets, derivatives markets in Spain, financial options, capital loans and equity loans.
  4. Contact and collaboration with entities that promote these financial instruments, ENISA, IDEA Agency, CDTI, etc.
  5. Mediation and technical support throughout the entire process.
  6. The Agreements with Financial Institutions -Banco Sabadell and Unicaja- that we currently have supporting the service are to be highlighted.

We also have an initiative called Profintech. It is an exclusive programme for promoting and financing technology and biotechnology companies associated with the Asociación Clúster Granada Plaza Tecnológica y Biotecnológica.

For this purpose, we have an exclusive club of equity investors, who participate in the program in order to meet companies interested in raising capital. Endorsed by the success of the On Granada Tech City initiative and project, the program brings regional, national and international investors together. It should also be noted that this is not a collective investment scheme.

Each investor participates in at least two annual meetings, in the format of a business lunch or dinner, to share experiences. They will also receive information about all the projects we are analysing that fit their investment profile.

They will also be provided with a report on the quality and financial health, growth capacity, and investment options related to each project.

In addition to financial instruments, this service also offers the possibility of acting as a technical office for companies and partner organisations in all matters related to public incentives and/or projects at regional, state or European level (including the option of participating in Consortia for H2020), backed by the 20 years of experience of the technical team. The activities considered are as follows:

  1. Updated information on all calls from regional to European level.
  2. Support for the development of technical and economic reports.
  3. Preparation of administrative documentation.
  4. Support in the application process.
  5. Possible corrections.
  6. Execution and follow-up.
  7. Partial justifications.
  8. Final justification and possible corrections.
  9. For Consortium projects, we also provide support in the search for national and international partners.
  10. Information on Consortiums in which our companies can participate.


Monitoring Committee for the Agreement with the University of Granada

As we have already mentioned before, our Agrupación Empresarial Innovadora (AIE) wants to involve in the management, as established by our management and coordination objectives within the AEI strategy , companies, Knowledge Provider Centres and other organisations that are part of the Association. For this purpose, the following Committees are created:


The Monitoring Committee to follow up on the Agreement with the University of Granada, which is already in place, is made up of three representatives of the University of Granada appointed by the Chancellor, and three other representatives of the Asociación Clúster Granada Plaza Tecnológica y Biotecnológica appointed by its Chairman.


It has the following functions:

  • The annual scheduling, monitoring, evaluation, and expansion of actions, which are the subject of this Agreement; and
  • The approval of strategic plans.
  • The approval of annual collaboration plans.
  • The resolution of any discrepancies that may arise during the execution of this agreement, and those that may be born from the effective implementation of these provisions.

Communication and Marketing Committee

The Communication and Marketing Committee is already in place and its objective is to be a part of the Communication strategy, carrying out the following functions:

  • Make On Granada known as an Innovative Business Association.
  • Improve the support services provided to the associates, and the research, development, and innovation related services in particular.
  • Promote and stimulate On Granada as an Innovative Business Association.
  • Disseminate and promote the research results obtained by R&D+i projects.
  • Increase brand recognition and improve brand positioning.
  • Improve the communication flow with our partners.
  • Promote loyalty.
  • Gain greater visibility: Have the media publish articles about actions, participations, standpoints/claims on issues and achievements.
  • Encourage interaction with social network followers.
  • Position the association as a leader in the sector in Andalusia in particular and Spain in general.
  • Reach a new audience.

Labour Relations Committee

Labour Relations Committee, which is already in place and whose aim is to lay the foundations for a future sectorial collective agreement.

Digital Economy Entrepreneurship Committee

Digital Economy Entrepreneurship Committee, already in place and with the purpose of participating in the strategy of the R&D+i Projects, Training and Employment, and Financing initiatives of the Technical Office.

The committee is made up of three teams:

  1. Program and Studies.
  2. Fostering.
  3. Communication.

Comisión eHealth

Comisión eHealth, ya constituida y tiene el objetivo de participar en la estrategia del Servicio de Proyectos I + D + i de la Oficina Técnica.

De entre sus funciones podemos resaltar las siguientes:

  • Fomentar la investigación, desarrollo e innovación en el ámbito de las ciencias y tecnologías de la Salud.
  • Transferencia de Conocimiento.
  • Incorporar a la asociación a la mayoría de las empresas del sector de eHealth que operan en Andalucía.
  • Posicionar a Andalucía como una plaza de referencia a nivel global dentro del incipiente sector de la eHealth.
  • Impulsar la creación y aprovechamiento de infraestructuras relacionadas con la eHealth en Andalucía.
  • Fortalecer el ecosistema relacionado con la eHealth, conectando a los diversos actores implicados para generar valor añadido (empresas, inversores, investigadores, servicios de salud, usuarios, etc.). Promoción de eventos, acciones y proyectos relacionados con el sector de eHealth, para aumentar la visibilidad de Andalucía como plaza y el de las empresas del sector.

Training Committee


Training Committee, to be constituted. Its purpose will be to participate in the strategy of the Training and Employment Service of the Technical Office.

Smart Cities Committee


Smart Cities Committee, to be constituted. Its purpose will be to provide technology, with a special focus on everything related to Industry 4.0, biotechnology, and science and technology applied to health, to develop smart cities, and to encourage collaboration with other Innovative Business Associations, such as the Andalusia Smart Cities Cluster, Honorary Partner of our Association.